
Lori Scales

In choosing HectorWare we found that their solution could handle all our jobs and leads coming in seamlessly without making us feel overwhelmed at all. Today, with HectorWare we feel organized and on top of each lead that comes our way. Resulting in our revenue reports growing all due to the fact that sales are no longer slipping through any cracks.

Corinthian Designs

Matthew A Cater

Now with HectorWare in addition to sales and marketing we’re operating at such a higher level. Ever since we started with HectorWare there have been no more fires or lost tickets, and our sales and service teams are better prepared and having an easier time before they ever have to get on the phones with a customer.


Teresa Jones

Our leads have grown so exponentially from our website and search optimization that we have had to hire an entire sales team dedicated to only working with inbound leads. Thing that have never been the case before hosting and running our website with HectorCloud.


Jimmy Lee

Working with HectorWare we have seen an increase in our leads consistently, through an automating processes increasing the yield of our top products, completely behind the scenes often times when we are not even actively working. This has greatly increased our stream adaptation , content creation and new initiatives throughout the company. Resulting in our marketing and sales teams becoming more unified and focused on common goals and processes, now our clients can understand every step taken from their visit to the website.


Julius M King

Our company Tianguis has been fast-growing and looking to connect all of our existing software as well as simplify our marketing & sales process. For that we found HectorWare. HectorWare has given us flexibility and control but most impressively the customer/technical support has been amazing. HectorWare’s agents were human! People who really knew the software, and have been focused on trying to understand our issue and helped us to solve any problem we have faced.


Patricia J Berge

With HectorWare we have been able to do the work of 20 marketers, with our team of four! HectorWare has a very supportive community and team members that are knowledgeable and dedicated to helping.  Not to mention, HectorWare has aided us in delivering sizable results: our inbound leads grew up to 5x within a single year!

Golf Augusta

Cynthia Miller

Processes that before took ages of time now with HectorWare pass by in a breeze not to mention we are closing more deals than ever before. With the ability to easily keep track of our files, our communications and employee satisfaction have been through the roof. Thank you HectorWare for helping us to use our time and serve our customers more efficiently!


Dorothy Avila

With HectorWare powerful array of tools that area  must have for every marketing team. Whenever we get stuck or run into difficulties, their support team will always help out. I’m using HectorWare to manage the entirety of Big Wheel files.

Big Wheel

Jennifer Jackson

I would Recommend Hectorware to anyone that asks. From our very first interaction all the way to onboarding and now via our Customer Success Manager, it’s always been an amazing experience.


Ralph Middleton

As a customer and partner in charge of multiple accounts, with Hectorware it makes my job so much easier. With the ability to manage everything in a single place i’ve seen a huge impact in my productivity. In all my experience with the Hectorware team (support, marketing, education, sales – all of you!) are some of the best people I’ve had the opportunity to work with.

Total Quality

Bridgette Gray

In seeing the results HectorWare, all my needs from other tools have been eliminated, HectorWare brings everything together in one easy-to-use platform giving me huge benefits.

Gene Walter

Alice Redden

In growing our business HectorWare has been a great tool. Working with the onboarding and services teams has been a great experience, they have both helped and coach us towards inbound marketing success.

Jitney Jungle

Joyce Fletcher

I am loving HectorWare having so many great marketing and sales tools in one place is truly a blessing. Beyond the software, being part of the wider HectorWare community has been an experience.

Avant Garde Interior Designs

Christopher Louque

HectorWare’s great customer service user friendly design has been great and we use it on a daily basis.


Maryann Russo

In HectorWare we have found the perfect blend of power and simplicity! We are currently working with the Enterprise Edition, and we have had nothing but amazing results with almost no need for support. Since implementing HectorWare, our company has significantly increased our conversion of site visitors to contacts and ultimately to paying customers! We couldn’t be more happy!

Formula Grey

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